Employer looking for workers

Are you a farmer? Are you an employer looking for workers for your farm ?

Tons of backpackers are looking for fruit picking jobs and are available to work for you now. Being in our WikiFarms Australia database make you visible from them.

You are an employer looking for workers? Contact us on our contact page, ourĀ Facebook page or register your company below.

If you don’t have opportunities right now, you can also let us know and we’ll remove your information from our database promptly. Above all, we tant to help you and certainly not disturb your activity. If you don’t need the calls of backpackers that are seeking for a farm job when you don’t have any to offer, please let us know.

Add your company in our database :

How do you know this company?

What is the name of the company?

What kind of company?

What do they produce?

What period of the year do they need workers?

What is the city?

What is the address?

What is the phone number of the company?

What is the email of the company?

What is the website, or Facebook page? (please copy the url)

Here you can write a short description of the company

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