Soon it will be possible to stay in Australia for a third year visa! The Australian Government has announced changes to both the Work and Holiday (462) and the Working Holiday (417) visa programs. A win win situation for both backpackers and farmers.
Third Year Visa: how does it work ?
From 1 July 2019, visa holders who carry out 6 months of specified work in regional areas while on their second Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa or Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa may be eligible to apply for a third visa. Eligible types of work and regional areas will correspond with the requirements for the second visa.
Be careful: The 6 months work must all be done after 1 July 2019, so a successful application for a third year visa cannot be lodged before January 2020.
Third year visa: the changes
- Expansion of the regional areas where subclass 462 visa holders can work in agriculture (plant and animal cultivation) to qualify for a second year of stay in Australia. Currently only those who work in Northern Australia are eligible.
- Increasement of the period in which you can stay with the same agricultural employer, from 6 to 12 months.
- A third year for those who, after 1 July 2019, undertake 6 months of specified work in a specified regional area during their second year.
- Increasement in the annual caps to a number of countries that participate in the subclass 462 visa program.
- The eligible age for subclass 417 visa applicants from Canada and Ireland to 35.

If you want to know more about the second year visa, follow the links :
Looking for farm work to get your third year visa, download our app WikiFarms Australia