88 days calculator
Our 88 days calculator tool is going to help you apply safely to the second year visa. As you all may know, to apply for the second year visa in Australia, you need to work 88 days on a farm.
But every years tons of backpackers struggle to know how to calculate their days. How to be sure that you did enough hours or days, or to calculate them ? Basically, how to calculate 88 days of farm work?
Most of the payslips doesn’t show the number of hours which make it very uneasy to find out.
So, that’s why, by using Australian Government information, we created an easy and simple tool that will help you to know how many days you have cumulated ! Finally you’ll be sure to apply properly for the second year visa by knowing exactly if your worked enought.
Our 88 Days Calculation tool is entierely free. You can download it on your phone or use our desktop version below :

If you are still looking to find a farm work and struggle to find a farm, learn more about our app WikiFarms Australia! Or download it directly on your phone here for androids or here for iPhones.
If you have any issue regarding the 88 days tool or if you have questions about WikiFarms, feel free to join us on our Facebook page to talk with us!

Do you know that you can apply to a third year visa now!?