Farm work South Australia

Looking for farm work in South Australia ? Here are 8 towns you should visit to find one ! Close to Adelaide, they will give you the best chance to find a farm work in South Australia.

1. Barossa Valley

The Barossa Valley in northeastern Adelaide is a great place to find a fruit picking job. Located just 60km from the capital of South Australia, it’s a good compromise for those who do not want to be to far from a city life.

The region is famous for producing the best wines of Australia. For backpackers the best time to look for farm work is between February and April. The entire Barossa Valley area is eligible for the second visa.

2. Adelaide Hills

Adelaide Hills is a heavily viticultural region. As much as the Barossa Valley, it is a favorite place for backpackers looking for a job on farms in South Australia. Located about 30 miles from Adelaide, the area of Adelaide Hills is popular with backpackers for its proximity to the city. The region is known for its good wine thanks to the significantly lower temperatures than in the rest of the country, which favor the cultivation of grapes. Apples, pears and cherries are also grown in South Australia. The recommended period to find a job runs from February to May for apples, pears and grape picking. Pruning is practiced during the winter in July and August. The cherry season also runs from November to January.

3. Mount Gambier

In between Melbourne and Adelaide, Mount Gambier is the second biggest city in South Australia after Adelaide. Like Adelaide Hills and the Barossa Valley, Mount Gambier is a wine-producing region, and a great town for finding a job if you are there at the right season! You will also have great spots to visit around.

4. Waikerie

The Waikerie area is 180km North East of Adelaide. Agriculture is very present: lemons and grapes are grown all year round. Lemon picking takes place from June to November, grape picking in February and March and grape pruning in June and July.

5. Berri

Located 230km east of Adelaide, Berri is known for its lemon plantations. You will also find one of the largest vineyards of Australia “Berri Estates” founded in 1922, as well as plantations of oranges and tangerines (May to August). Picking oranges “valencia” takes place from August to December.

6. Loxton

Just 20km from Berri, if you are looking for a job in Fruit Picking, do not hesitate to visit the city of Loxton. There are a large number of vineyards and fruit producers, such as apples, mandarins, oranges and pears. Lemons are picked up most of the year and big apple growers requiers many backpackers from February until June.

7. Clare

Located about 1h30 drive from Adelaide, Clare is a good spot to find a job in the vineyards. Very good Riesling wine are produced there. If you want to do the harvest, the period from February to April is the best for a chance to find a job. For pruning, the best time is in winter, between June and August.

8. McLaren Vale

About 40 minutes drive south of Adelaide, the McLaren Vale area also offers good job opportunities. Renowned for its wines, you will find more than 30 vineyards spread within a radius of 5km making your prospections easier. For the harvest, the best period is in February and April but pruning is done in winter (from May to August).

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